The Importance of Social Security For Coconut Sugar Farmers

The profession of a coconut sugar farmer is high-risk. They must climb coconut trees daily to extract nectar/sap, the raw material for coconut sugar.

This task requires them to climb the trees twice a day, in the morning and evening. The average height of fruiting coconut trees in Banyumas Regency ranges from 5 to 12 meters. Climbing these trees causes many farmers to worry about their safety.

They must face the risk of falling from the coconut tree while tapping the coconut nectar.

Furthermore, there are risks of injury, permanent disability, and even death, which are constant concerns for coconut sugar farmers.”

Kartu Asuransi BPJS Petani Gula dampingan Inagro Jinawi

SUCIPTO’s story

Sucipto is one of them. Now at the age of 45 years, he still actively tapping around 49 coconut trees every day. He has been doing this for 25 years.

Sucipto loves his profession as a coconut sugar farmer, a legacy passed down through generations from his grandfather and father.

As he has aged, he has noticed a decline in his agility. Consequently, every time he prepares to climb the coconut trees, he is filled with concern. “If something were to happen to me, what would become of my wife and children?” Sucipto expresses his worry.


From 2018, Inagro Jinawi began enrolling its registered coconut sugar farmers in Indonesia’s National Social Security Agency for Employment (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan).

We prioritize the safety and welfare of our registered farmers.

As of October 2022, Inagro Jinawi has registered 1,509 out of 1,807 farmers with Indonesia’s National Social Security Agency for Employment, and this number is expected to increase soon. The registration process is conducted collectively by Inagro Jinawi.

Additionally, Inagro Jinawi fully covers the monthly payments to Indonesia’s National Social Security Agency for Employment, providing significant relief to our registered farmers.

Sucipto is now a registered farmer with Inagro Jinawi at Indonesia’s National Social Security Agency for Employment. With this registration, Sucipto can collect coconut nectar without worries, knowing that he is protected by the National Social Security Agency for Employment in case of any unforeseen incidents.