Healthy Kitchen for Good Quality Coconut Sugar and Farmers’ Health


A strong soul resides in a healthy body.

We have all grown up hearing that proverb.

In the context of organic coconut sugar, it has its own expression.

In a healthy kitchen, high-quality sugar can be produced.

Then, how come?

Coconut nectar/sap is a substance known to be sensitive to various contaminants. This includes bacteria, temperature as well as weather changes, and many more.

Hence, one of the critical factors in producing high-quality coconut sugar is the hygiene in the farmers’ kitchen, where coconut nectar is boiled down into coconut sugar.

Cerobong asap untuk dapur sehat tempat produksi gula semut organik

Chimney for the Fire Place


Inagro Jinawi deeply cares about the health and welfare of its farmers, particularly women farmers, who play a crucial role in their families and the coconut sugar production process.

Therefore, ensuring the well-being of female farmers and enhancing the quality of coconut sugar becomes a strategic imperative that demands strong attention and commitment.

In collaboration with Fair Trade, Inagro Jinawi initiated a healthy kitchen renovation program for its coconut sugar farmers. The program aims to establish farmhouse kitchens that meet health and hygiene standards.

Through this initiative, we aspire to improve the health of women farmers and enhance the quality of the organic coconut sugar they produce.

a story from jemah

Pentingnya Dapur Sehat Untuk Kesehatan Perempuan Dan Gula Berkualitas

Jemah, a coconut sugar producer for over 20 years, is one of Inagro Jinawi’s registered farmers who has benefited from this program.

Before renovating her kitchen, Jemah struggled with the leftover ashes and smoke generated during the burning process. She often coughed due to inhaling excessive ash and residual smoke from her chimney.

Her kitchen renovation involved constructing a fireplace with a chimney, installing tiles, and relocating the firewood storage area outside the kitchen.

Following the renovation, Jemah’s kitchen now meets health and hygiene standards. She has noticed significant changes while processing coconut nectar in her new kitchen. She no longer suffers from smoke and ash disturbances.

The smoke and ash produced during combustion are now channeled out through the chimney and directed to the firewood storage area behind the kitchen. The resulting heat also aids in drying the firewood.

Jemah can now manage the shortage of dry firewood during the rainy season.

We anticipate that these improvements will enhance Jemah’s health and reduce the risk of product contamination. Additionally, they will contribute to the overall welfare of Jemah’s family.